The Gardens Mall Studio Seasonal Trial Lesson


4 Aug - 4 Sep 2023

Kopi (coffee) holds a special place in the hearts of Malaysians as one the nation’s favourite drink. As National Day dawns upon us, let’s bake an extra “kaw” Kopi Harmony to celebrate the spirit of unity and togetherness.

Learn to make a rich and soft sponge cake infused with aromatic coffee, layered with silky coffee mascarpone cream and brown sugar streusel that is sprinkled evenly for a touch of modern creativity and extra crunch. Each layer complements each other like the harmonious blend of our diverse people. 

Join us to embrace the harmony that brings us together at The Gardens Mall Studio. Reserve your slots HERE. 

*Strictly no refund and rescheduling allowed.  
*The product image shown is for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary.  
*Bring your own apron for the lesson or rent one at RM1 each.  


The Gardens Mall Studio
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